
How to factory reset your Android phone

How to factory reset your android phone Has your Android smartphone become a little slow. There are many reasons why this could happen. Over time most devices becomes slower due to a multitude of idling programs and widgets that use a lot of memory. Many Android phones gets upgraded from time to time, if you upgrade your phone it will most likely be to a faster version. Read more about upgrading an Android phone here. If you have removed unused widgets and programs and upgraded your phone to the latest version and still having speed problems you should proceed with a factory reset to clear all old data from your phone.

factory reset

What is a factory reset

A factory reset reverts your phone to the way it was when you bought it and turned it on for the first time. Once the reset is done you will have to reenter your Google account info. The one exception is that if you have updated it to a newer version of the Android Os It will not revert to the old version but rather keep the newest one. So if the reason for your reset is to revert to an old Android Os it can not be done in this way.

REMEMBER !  Resetting your phone will clear all data from your phone, so back up all the things you want to keep. Contacts,music,pictures and all other things that are irreplaceable to you.

checklist before you start

  •     Backup the things you want to keep.
  •     Make a note of your Gmail and your password.
  •     Charge your battery so you don’t run out of juice in the middle of the process.

At this time there are many versions of Android and the process varies a little on most of them, common to all of them are number 1 on the list :

  •     Find and press the settings button on your phone. You can find it in your app list on your phone. It looks like this
  •     This Is a bit different from device to device but you should look for where it says Factory reset and press it.
  •     Look for it in the Privacy folder for older phones or the Back up and restore tab in settings on newer phones.
  •     Press the factory reset tab and confirm.
  •     You phone will now reset to its original state.

If you still have problems getting it right check out this Youtube video

What is a factory reset
A factory reset reverts your phone to the way it was when you bought it and turned it on for the first time. Once the reset is done you will have to reenter your Google account info. The one exception is that if you have updated it to a newer version of the Android Os It will not revert to the old version but rather keep the newest one. So if the reason for your reset is to revert to an old Android Os it can not be done in this way.
- See more at: http://androidfact.com/factory-reset-android-phone/#sthash.vEd7VUr4.dpuf

What is a factory reset
A factory reset reverts your phone to the way it was when you bought it and turned it on for the first time. Once the reset is done you will have to reenter your Google account info. The one exception is that if you have updated it to a newer version of the Android Os It will not revert to the old version but rather keep the newest one. So if the reason for your reset is to revert to an old Android Os it can not be done in this way.

What is a factory reset
A factory reset reverts your phone to the way it was when you bought it and turned it on for the first time. Once the reset is done you will have to reenter your Google account info. The one exception is that if you have updated it to a newer version of the Android Os It will not revert to the old version but rather keep the newest one. So if the reason for your reset is to revert to an old Android Os it can not be done in this way.

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